Monday, April 4, 2011

Last chance to rock!

NOTE: "Standard post, no 'feathers'. For today's clues, see previous post. ( 'Theorycrafting "just for fun" (and feathers)', 4/4/11)
A 4-day availability on the 4th month? Screams *special*, hurry!

Today is the last day to get a Pet Rock, hurry! Pet Rock is available only 4 days? Yes, I got mine, (with the less-than-original name of "Rocky", now a Teen with Taunt). I'm telling ya, I still think these rocks are special.
As a bit of advice, whenever KI promotes a Crowns special, it's always a good idea to be "stocked, and ready". You never know when a *deal* is gonna end, right?

Also, Kevn Battleblood, of Chillanthropologist fame, has re-posted the April Producer's Letter, for those that can't access W101. If you haven't read it, I'd recommend it. Pets, Spells, and more! Stay informed!

1 comment:

The Deadly theurgist said...

I have also posted the April newsletter which you can find at me new blog The Cool Theurgist.

~Sean Nightfist