Heather Raven wins!
Hold on...what's that? A message? An Important message? Folks, don't stop reading yet!

Remember how I said that posting the Dworgyn graphic on your blog was your 'ticket'? Well, I'm putting the 'prize' in surprise, baby! I'm a going to now disclose an 'unpublished' part of the contest: The Unadvertsied Advertiser's Award! Okay, it's not as cool as winning first place, but it's not zero! This has been a contest where there are no losers!
The Unadvertised Advertiser's Award!
So, basically, *everyone* who 'played along' and participated gets something. All of you need to comment me your email address (will not be published), and I'll get you your card codes sent right out!
Thank you Autumn! You made my day before it even started! x virtual hug x
I didn't even see that one coming...did anyone??
You fail to disappoint me every time, Autumn :)
Congrats to Heather Raven for first place, and congrats to everyone else who made the effort!
Yay! Thanks! http://sorcererofthespiral.blogspot.com/2010/05/5000-crowns-51010.html
its still may 10 and not midnight lol is it still to late to enter hehe you said announce winner on may 11 unless your and my days are different
@ Jason. Yes, you're absolutely right. Mother's Day threw me off, (plus working overnight shifts).
However, I'm evil, so I think the unannounced bonus balances out the early cut off. I figure anyone who didn't enter after the Main prize was announced, just wasn't going to. There will always be more devious surprises from the Graveyard, hence the shamelessly self-promoting prize vault. ;)
YOu do relize that i already one some gobbler in the last month I just wanted to help Dworgyn
@Isaac, Yes, that's why you couldn't win the *main* prize. It's participation like yours "just because", that inspires the bonus prizes. ;)
hey all i am new to this so how do the contests work pls help thnks!
@Alexander. Hi! Sorry, but this contest is closed. Please do check back often, whereas The Graveyard will always have more prizes to give away in the future!
Be Well!
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