Thursday, March 31, 2011

Alas, poor Timex...

...we hardly knew ye.

Sorry to see it go. It's been *so* amusing. Ah, "Good times, good times" .All good things must come to an end, and we'll bid a fond 'Adieu' in typical HiaG fashion: A "Grand Finale" poke at Friendly, courtesy of Cassandra GriffinDreamer:

Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Trogdor strikes again! Oh, how I'll miss this, but Ol' Friendly has some solid theorycrafting going on, and I'm hoping he's right. He's also got a good running list of "Who's doing what" for Mount Week. (or see HERE). What secrets does the timer obscure? Time, soon enough.

In gaming news, I'm over, done, and beyond with Celestia, by virtue of my "Slaying Buddy", the Amazing John Lifeglen, (who's continually egging me on to start PvP, to which my persistent reply is "Meh"). John also hatched with me, and I got my Ghost Hound! Icannotwaitforittohatch! Thank you, John. Still not into PvP, but I'll watch your Spiral Hunger Games Tournament.

Ravenwood Radio was crazy-busy last night (101 people in chat), and they unveiled the Sunshine Pony. I'd prefer more the Apocalypse Ponies, myself, but hey, "That's just me."

Swiftshadow Rules coming soon. Busy,busy,busy!


witchwarrior said...

I am honored!
Thank you very much! :D

M.W.S said...

Wow, congratulations with your accomplishments and for being chosen for the Wizard101 Mount Week Contest!