Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here comes the BOOM!

Ah, Autumn's Death House. "The Malistaire Memorial Death Academy". An ancient structure (by W101 standards). Very few have ever set foot on these deathly grounds. Those that have, have left with lasting impressions..(mostly good). ;) It is the only house I've truly gone out of my way to decorate.

What secret and mysterious things take place inside? Is it home to the Skullinatti? Is it HQ for the "Student Committee for Tenure for Dworgyn"? Does Autumn imprison other bloggers here? Why are there Swiftshadow feathers everywhere? So many questions, that cannot be answered here. (And forget the whole "Skullinatti" thing, they don't really exist...really.)

For those of you who have never set foot in any Death House, please allow me to present the video from Wizard101extreme, which gives you a pretty good idea what to expect:

A coveted piece of Real Estate.People are dying to get in.Or out.

And now, thanks to the supreme generosity of KingsIsle, you too can own the quintessential domicile of Necromantic studies. 10 lucky winners of this year's "House-a-palooza" can add this undead abode to their housing roster. Get yourself outta that Dorm room!

Ah, but here's the catch: "Nothing worth having ever comes free". You know, I'd just *love* to give everyone a Death House, but alas, I cannot. Therefore, there shall be skill, and luck involved in acquiring said house. Remember the "8 bit Trials"? I betcha do. What was the most evil, aggravating, and nerve-wracking challenge I could send at your Guardians? A Puzzle. Oh, yes, and they were kind enough to highlight their solving strategies, so I have re-engineered the mechanics of this one.(Thank you, Guardians!) Click the pic below to link to your "Doom and Gloom Housing Boom" puzzle. There's a code word in that there mess. Post it in the comments, and you're entered!

Click on me for the puzzle (and to clean up Autumn's Lab).
(Okay, here's the backstory: I was trying to re-skin a bone dragon mount (Yeah, bad idea, I know that now), and the re-animation lab kinda went 'boom'. I'm too lazy to clean it myself, so I'm bribing you to do it.)

Da Rules. (Read 'em, know 'em, follow 'em)
1) One entry, per person. You only get the one shot, so make it count! Spelling is 'optional'.
2) Entry winners will be notified to submit their e-mail (will not be published) using the same login as their initial entry.
3) In the event there are more than ten (10) correct entries, the 10 will be chosen by
4) Entries must be submitted no later than ( August 22nd). A countdown timer is provided.
5) Winners will be given the (optional) opportunity to tour Autumn's Death House, for decorating ideas, and inclusion in a group photo, to be published at HiaG) <--- Wow! Double prizes!
6) Codes must be redeemed at

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